On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 13:17, Kerim Aydin<ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Roger Hicks wrote:
>> Upon the adoption of this proposal set the Frequency of Government
>> Ball, Change Ball, and Justice Ball to 1.
> One win for every 100 cards at the current dealing rate? What's
> the point? One way to make it rarer is to say "when you play this
> card, the scorekeepor SHALL select a random number between 1 and N;
> if that number is 1, you win". That way you can also time your
> attempts if you desire. -G.
Well, technically it's a max of one win per 300 (well, 303) cards,
though that's optimistic since it assumes all three Balls will be
dealt to the same player, or the recipient of one ball will be able to
trade for the other two. Since according to my database there are 417
cards in hand, this seems to be about the right frequency. When you
figure salaries for 30+ players, officer salaries for 19 offices, plus
bonus draws from judging, elections, and proposals this probably
amounts to a full set of Balls going into circulation every 6-8 weeks.
Considering some balls will be destroyed by hand limits, and players
being unwilling to trade balls, wins should occur around every 3
months which seems to be good timing for a win condition (contrast win
by high score and ribbons, this would seem to fall somewhere in