On Thu, 16 Jul 2009, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> The issue indeed is CFJ-worthy. I wondered this exact question at the time
> I published the card holder list, and can see arguments both ways, in that
> the "list of the last 5 champions" certainly arbitrarily existed as a
> platonic entity (to which people were added and removed when they won)
> before the card proposal passed.  So the question is: does defining that
> list as the "list of succession" add them to the list at the time the list
> was given an official name, or were they part of such a list (and added when
> they won) and we just named the list by proposal?  I obviously went for
> the latter.

To ask it another way, if you asked the question "at what time was I
added to this list of the last 5 persons to have won the game?" the
answer would be when I won.  The act of giving said list a name doesn't
add me to the list, although it does give the list a new legal effect.

(Your counteragrument:  "giving the list a legal effect" is better
described as "creating a list and instantanously adding us to it".


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