On Fri, 2009-07-10 at 17:41 -0500, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> ais523 wrote:
> > On Fri, 2009-07-10 at 03:56 -0500, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> >> I hereby request any and all persons to submit evidence and arguments,
> >> either publicly or by private email to me, that may be relevant to this
> >> case. In particular, I would be interested in hearing from H. Caller c.,
> >> H. Notary ais523, and H. Wooble.
> > 
> > Arguments, CFJ 2619:
> > 
> > Per Rule 2173, I cannot legally reveal the text of private contracts
> > without consent from all parties, from the text of the contract itself,
> > or in connection with an equity case. This is an inquiry case.
> > 
> > I will reveal any relevant private contracts on a joint request from all
> > of the parties of such a contract; but not otherwise.
> Although you may not reveal the text or membership of private contracts,
> you may divulge their existence. How many private contracts are you
> currently aware of? (If the answer is four, I can infer FALSE, since
> according to the Notary wiki there are four publicly known private
> contracts, to none of which Wooble is party.)

My filing system for private contracts is deliberately chaotic, such
that I can easily determine whether a particular private contract was
told to me, and its text and membership, given information on the
contract in question, but I can't easily enumerate all private contracts
I know; in addition, I consider revealing the existence of a particular
private contract a breach of Notary trust even though the rules do not
specifically rule it out. However, there is at least one private
contract that is not publically known (this much is safe to say, as I
could have constructed one specifically to make that statement true).


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