On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Sean Hunt<ride...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I also intend, without objection (independently), to ratify the
> following (definitively) incorrect document:
> {
> The first paragraph of Rule 2256 reads as follows:
>      A player CAN play a card in eir possession which has an exploit by
>      announcing that e plays the card, while also announcing any
>      further information required by the exploit.  The card is
>      destroyed, and if possible, the effects of the exploit take place.
>      In an exploit, the term "you" refers to the entity who plays the
>      card.
> }
Doesn't work:
      Ratification Without Objection CANNOT cause the repeal,
      amendment, enactment, or mutation of any Rule, rules to the
      contrary notwithstanding.


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