Er, here's the alternate one - currently just finishing up the card definitions. ais523, how do you want to proceed, pick one or merge?
---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Now with multiple decks!] Create the following Rule, Cards, power 2: Cards are any class of assets defined by the Rules to be cards. For the rules to define a class of assets to be a card, the Rules must define its Title, its Deck, and either its Exploit or its Position, but not both. Card instances of the same class are fungible. Ownership of cards is restricted to players and contests. A Deck is a collection of card types associated in the Rules with a particular recordkeepor, who is known as the dealer for that deck and for the cards in that deck. Any office whose duties include being a dealer is a high-priority office (rules to the contrary notwithstanding), and holdings of cards from that deck are part of that officer's weekly report; a dealer's report of card holdings is self-ratifying. The dealer for a deck CAN, by announcement: * create a card that is part of that deck in the possession of any entity; * destroy any card that is part of that deck; * transfer a card that is part of that deck between any two entities; however the e SHALL only perform these actions as explicitly permitted by the Rules. E MAY transfer, play, or destroy cards in eir own possession as any other player generally MAY. Create the following Rule, Position Cards, AI-2: If a card class has a position, there is always exactly one such instance of the class in existence, and it CANNOT be either created or destroyed. If, despite this rule, the instance does not exist, or a CFJ determines that its possession or existence cannot be determined by reasonable effort, then that card's dealer SHALL, as soon as possible, destroy any instance of that card that might exist and create that card in the possession of an active player who holds the Patent Title Champion, chosen at random. If a card has a Position, and the holder of the card is a Player, the holder of that card is considered to be the holder of that position, and have the powers and duties described by the Rules for that position. The powers and duties of such a position CANNOT be delegated or deputized without transferring the card, and are only performable/required of the holder of the card, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. All instances of the Patent Title Minister Without Portfolio are hereby revoked. Amend Rule 1922 by deleting the paragraph that defines the Patent Title 'Minister Without Portfolio' and re-lettering the remaining paragraph labels to be in sequence. Repeal Rule 2019 (Prerogatives). Create the following Rule, Major Arcana, power 2: The Major Arcana is a deck of Position cards whose dealer is the Herald. The following Major Arcana cards are defined: Title: Minister without Portfolio. Position: The Minister without Portfolio CAN become holder of a vacant elected office by indicating the Office, unless e is prevented from holding that office on an ongoing basis. Title: Majority Leader. Position: The Majority Leader CAN veto an ordinary decision in its voting period by indicating the decision; this increases its Adoption Index by 1 and makes it Democratic. Title: Cabinet Secretary. Position: the Cabinet Secretary CAN rubberstamp an ordinary decision in its voting period by indicating the decision; this decreases its quorum to 3, rules to the contrary notwithstanding, except if a proposal is both filibustered and rubberstamped, in which case its quorum is what it was originally. Title: Chief Whip. Position: The Chief Whips's voting limit on an Ordinary proposal is 1.5 times what it would otherwise be. Title: Justiciar. Position: The Justiciar may be granted particular abilities or privileges associated with the judicial process as described elsewhere in the Rules. Title: Admiral of the Navy. Position: The Admiral of the Navy CAN begin a coup by announcing the ceremonial shelling of the palace. The effects of the coup (if any) are as described elsewhere in the rules. Amend Rule 402 to read: The List of Succession is a list of the five active players who were most recently awarded the patent title Champion. This list, and the date on which each player on the list last became part of the list, is part of the Herald's monthly report. The Speaker is the active player on the List of Succession who became part of the list the longest time ago. The Herald SHALL announce the ascension of a new Speaker asap after it occurs. Once per quarter, or once after gaining the office, the Speaker CAN Form a Government by publishing a list of every defined Major Arcana card, and listing (for each card) a different active player who holds the Patent Title Champion. Such a formation of government, when triggered, has the self-ratifying effect of transferring the indicated cards to the indicated players. [Note some changes; less frequent "clocked" transitions (quarterly not monthly), but cards are transferable, and also can be changed by every new speaker] Create the following rule, Exploit Cards, AI-2: If a card has an Exploit, a player CAN play a card in eir possession, by announcing that e plays the card, while also announcing any further information required by the exploit. The card is destroyed, and if possible, the effects of the exploit take place. In an exploit, the term "you" refers to the entity who plays the card. If the information is incorrect, or the exploit is IMPOSSIBLE or otherwise fails, or the card has no exploit, an attempt made by the player to play a card in eir possession has no effect and the card remains in the player's possession. A card is not an instrument; the instrument that allows the change described by a card's exploit is the Rule that describes that exploit, regardless of whether the exploit describes the agent performing the change as "you", the card, or another entity. Create the following Rule, Dealing Cards, power 2: Each defined Exploit card type in a deck shall have a Frequency, which is a non-negative integer defaulting to 0. The frequency of each card type is part of the weekly report of the deck's dealer. The frequency of each card type is Secured, and CAN be changed: * by the Deck's dealer without 2 objections; * if the deck's dealer is part of an Officer's duty, then, during an election for that office but before the last four days of the election's voting period, a candidate for that office CAN make and publish a pledge explicitly, clearly, and obviously describing changes e intends to make to the frequencies of cards in eir deck. If e wins the election, e CAN and SHALL make the described changes by announcement asap after the election ends. Whenever the rules indicate that a dealer SHALL deal a card to an entity, or that the entity "earns a draw" from a particular deck, that deck's dealer SHALL, as soon as possible, create a card in the possession of that entity, with the card chosen at random from among cards in that deck, with the probability of a particular card being chosen being the frequency of that card divided by the sum of the frequencies of all the cards in that deck (if this sum is zero, the requirement to deal asap is waived, and the dealer SHALL NOT deal a card until the sum is greater than zero). Create the following Rule, Decks, Draws, and Salaries, AI-2: Any deck of cards defined by this rule is known as a Basic Deck. Salary is a first-class player switch tracked by the Accountor, with possible values N,M,O,P where each letter is replaced with a defined basic deck. The default value for this switch is Change,Change,Justice,Government. Ordering of N,M,O,P is not a significant differentiating aspect of the switch value, only the number of times each deck type is listed within the switch. A player CAN change the value of eir own Salary switch by announcement. At the beginning of each month, each first-class player earns a number of draws from each Basic Deck equal to the number of times that deck appeared in eir salary switch at the beginning of the month. As soon as possible after the beginning of each month, the Accounter SHALL publish the state of each player's Salary switch as it was at the beginning of the month. When a first-class player registers, e earns two draws from each basic deck. The Deck of Government is a deck of cards tracked by the Grand Poobah. The Deck of Justice is a deck of cards tracked by the Insulator. The Deck of Change is a deck of cards tracked by the Anarchist. [Still polishing: list of cards for each deck, based on previous proto]. -------------------------------------------------------------------