Comments in this proto are shown with quote marks; they won't be part of
the final proposal, if we propose this one.

Protoproposal (AI 2, II 3):
Replace the text of rule 2126 with the following, and rename it "Cards":
Cards are a class of assets, restricted to players, whose recordkeepor
is the Dealor. Each Card has a name; Cards with the same name are
fungible. The Dealor CAN create, destroy, and change the ownership of
Cards with arbitrary names by announcement, but SHALL NOT do so except
as required by the rules (the Class-7 Crime of Stacking the Deck, if
deliberate, and the Class-1 Crime of Mistaken Dealing if accidental).
Cards cannot be renamed, cannot be created except by the Dealor's
announcements, and destroying them, transferring them, and defining
legal situations for the Dealor to create them are all secured at power
2. However, players can destroy and transfer cards they own by
> In other words, Cards are pragmatised. Therefore, we should be careful
> not to create Cards that could lead to problems that can't be fixed if
> they're created/destroyed illegally.

To create a "random Card", the Dealor must create a Card with a random
name taken from the list of Card names in the Decklist, with
probabilities proportional to the Chances shown in the Decklist.
> So adding new Cards doesn't require recalculation of probabilities.

As soon as possible after the start of each week, the Dealor SHALL
create a number of random Cards in each player's possession equal to
that value that player's Hand Size had at the start of the week, minus
the total Size of Cards e owns at the time, unless the number of Cards
created this way would be negative.
> This is the main unusual feature of this proto. If you don't play
> Cards, you don't get as many, hopefully creating a strong incentive
> to use them.

To 'play' a Card is to deliberately destroy it for the purpose of
playing it.

Replace the text of rule 2156 with the following:
      The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities
      that were active players at the start of its voting period.  The
      voting limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is 1,
      plus the number of Extra Ordinary Vote cards e owns, reduced by
      1 (minimum 0 total) for each positive multiple of 4 Rests that
      the voter posesses at the start of the voting period.

Repeal rule 2211.

Remove the following text from rule 2228:
      A player CAN spend two Notes in order to destroy a Rest owned by
      a player e specifies.
Replace the following text in rule 2229:
      While a person owns at least 8 Rests, that person CANNOT spend
      Notes except to destroy Rests e owns.  This takes precedence
      over any other rule.
      While a person owns at least 8 Rests, e SHALL NOT play cards
      other than cards named Absolv-O-Matic. Doing so is the Class-2
      Crime of Ignoring Punishments. (This does not make it ILLEGAL
      to destroy cards without playing them, though.)
> Pragmatising punishments.

Remove the following text from rule 1607:
      A player CAN flip a specified proposal to Distributable by
      spending 1 Note, or without Objection.

      A player CAN flip a specified proposal to Undistributable by
      spending 3 Notes.

Replace the following text in rule 2134:
      Cleanup procedure:  Each player's caste is set to its default
      value, and no player satisfies this Winning Condition again (the
      remainder of this rule notwithstanding) during the same month.
      Cleanup procedure: All Extra Ordinary Vote cards that player
      owns are destroyed, and no player satisfies this Winning
      Condition again (the rest of this rule notwithstanding) during
      the same month.
> Slightly less drastic resets for wins by Clout; they probably can't
> happen anyway based on the current rules, though.

Create a power-2 Rule "The Decklist":
The Decklist is the following list of card names, Chances, and Effects;
a Card can be played to cause its effects to happen (and it is this rule
that causes the effects to happen, not the card or the player playing
> The parenthetical's to sort out power/instrument troubles.
Absolv-O-Matic (Chance = 50, Size = 1)
Effects: 1 Rest in the possession of the player playing the card is
> To destroy someone else's Rests, you can just give em the card and
> let em do it emself.
Distribumatic  (Chance = 100, Size = 1)
Effect: One proposal, specified by the player playing this Card, becomes
Extra Ordinary Vote (Chance = 25, Size = 2)
Effect: No effect (although holding the card in hand may have one).
> Keeping the list short for the time being; the only cards in the list
> at the moment replicate effects of Notes. Not all of them, either;
> this removes one-off voting increases (they've caused loads of trouble
> in the past, and I've been trying to repeal them for a while), and the
> win by Musicianship (which could be replaced in a new form later).

Create a power-2 Rule "Hand Size":
The Recordor is an office, responsible for calculating player's Hand

Hand Size is a player switch, tracked by the Recordor, whose default
value is 2 and which allows all positive integers as possible values.
The Recordor CAN flip Hand Sizes by announcement, but SHALL NOT do so
except as required by this rule (the Class-7 Crime of Hiding Cards Up My
Sleeve if deliberate, or the Class-1 Crime of Miscounting The Deck if

As soon as possible after the start of each week, the Recordor must flip
each player's Hand Size to 2, plus, for each of the following sets, the
maximum interest index among entities in it (for the purpose of this
rule, the maximum of an empty set is 0, and the interest index of an
entity without an interest index is 1):
 - Proposals authored by that player which were adopted in the previous
 - Offices for which that player completed the non-empty set of weekly
   duties in the previous week;
 - Offices for which that player completed the non-empty set of monthly
   duties in months whose last day was contained in the previous week;
 - Judicial cases which the player assigned an on-time judgement to in
   the previous week;
 - Points awarded to that player during the previous week;
 - Points that player awarded during the previous week.
> This is basically just translating Note awards to Hand Size.

Create a power-2 Rule "Card Bootstrapping":
The Dealor once CAN and SHALL create one random Card in each player's
possession for every 8 Notes that player owned before Notes were
repealed. Upon doing so, this rule repeals itself.
> Is this a good exchange rate, I wonder?


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