On Sat, 13 Jun 2009, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> 1.  Cards are dealt from an infinite deck (with set probabilities) and
>> destroyed when played.  Reason:  the reason cards broke so often in the
>> past version was because with a finite deck, everyone's play stopped
>> every time there was controversy about where even a single card was
>> (e.g. you wouldn't play poker if you knew the Ace of Spades was on the
>> floor).
> It might be nice to have a discard pile for Cards to interact with. A
> complete history wouldn't be necessary; a three- or five-card buffer
> should be plenty. Ambiguities get stomped by cards being played on top
> of them, in addition to simple ratification.
> Actually, having read the rest of the proto, Discard Picking sidesteps
> this very neatly. Never mind.

It's also possible to do your method; Discard Picking works on the last
N card played.  Not sure which is better, "last N" is a bit harder to
track but allows some strategy (play a valuable card then play N not-
so-valuable to bury it.  Hmm...

>> 2.  Play Speed/salary:  Get 3 cards per month minimum salary
>>                         + 1 per week (weekly office)
>>                         + 1 per month (monthly office)
>>                         + one per week if a timely Judge
>>                         + 1 * II per adopted proposal
>> 3.  Encourage play:  1 card per month destroyed at random from each hand.
>>                      Further, if hand > N at end of month (suggest 10),
>>                      another hand-N cards destroyed at random.
> The 1 card auto-discard seems like it would discourage long-term
> strategy. Decrease the hand limit to 7, make the surplus-discard by
> announcement rather than monthly, and increase the salaries:
>  Get 3 cards per week minimum salary
>  + 2 per week (weekly office)
>  + 2 per month (monthly office)
>  + one per case if a timely Judge
>  + 2 * II per adopted proposal

Good thinking; I think I prefer no auto-discard.  Last time around (with
hand limits but no auto-discard), it was frustrating because a player could 
go inactive while under the hand limit but with a valuable card and it 
would get stuck for months.  But with an infinite deck that's much less
of an issue.

>> (Frequency) is relative frequency of cards dealt out of 1000
> Punctuation is a good thing
>> action as on a single BASIC ACTION card e names when doin so.
> So is spellin.

Yeah yeah that's why I didn't even label it a proto :)

> This probability distribution feels wrong to me, especially with:
>> A player can spend two cards of any type to perform the same
>> action as on a single BASIC ACTION card e names when doing so.
> At a basic salary of 3 cards per month, there's little chance of card
> cards procedurally jousting with each other. I think it would be better
> to remove the basic action cards from the deck entirely and use the
> spend-two mechanic exclusively. Perhaps reduce it to spend-one? Or tie
> each basic action to a category -- spend a proposal card to
> Distrib-u-Matic, a power card to Absolv-o-Matic, or a card card to Roll
> Call.

This was the hardest part; you're right, I'm still not sure the tweaking
is right.  I made the distrib-u-matics in particular common because of the
recent complaints about distributability; wanted to make sure enough came
up so everyone could distribute a proposal a week or so.  But your
combined solution of less of them plus higher throughput (and lower hand
size to encourage use) might solve that nicely.


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