If I may...

Official Secrets Act (AI = 3, II = 2)

{Create a new Power 1 Rule, titled "The Official Secrets Act" with the
following text:

{The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is the agreement with the
following text: "This is a public contract and a pledge known as the
Non-Disclosure Agreement." Parties to the NDA are known as Agents.
Agents who do not have an outstanding twelve months' notice are known
as Bona Fide Agents (BFAs).

Information defined by the Rules as being one of the following levels
of secrecy is Restricted Information. Agents SHALL NOT disclose or
discuss any part of any Restricted Information. Persons other than
BFAs SHOULD NOT be given access to Restricted Information.

The following, in descending order of importance, are levels of secrecy:

* TOP SECRET (TS). It is the Class 6 Crime of Causing Grave Damage to
Agoran Security to disclose or discuss TOP SECRET information.

* Secret. It is the Class 2 Crime of Espionage to disclose or discuss
Secret information.

* Confidential. It is the Class 1 Crime of Damaging the Agoran State
to disclose or discuss Confidential information.

Unless the rule defining a class of Restricted Information states
otherwise, Restricted Information ceases to be Restricted three months
after its creation; it is then LEGAL and ENCOURAGED to disclose and
discuss such information.

If the answer to a judicial case depends on Restricted Information,
the judge MAY judge UNDETERMINED, NOT GUILTY, or the null contract,
and SHOULD do so if a different judgement would amount to disclosing
Restricted Information.}

Amend Rule 101, item v. to read "Every player has the right of
participation in the fora, unless e has agreed to a binding
non-disclosure agreement and is still a party to it. Such players have
the right to leave such agreements at twelve months' notice, and to
cancel such notice."}

Further proto-proto: secret judicial cases, where the details are
disclosed only to interested parties.


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