What about private contracts?

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Charles Reiss <woggl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6/2/09 3:38 PM, Alex Smith wrote:
> > On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 00:12 -0500, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
> >
> >>  3. Immediately after an Agoran Decision is initiated, the Conservative
> >> Party acts on behalf of each of its parties to cause that party to vote
> >> on that decision with the option selected being party stance on that
> >> decision as defined later in this contract.
> >>
> > If that works, it shouldn't. And act-on-behalf needs an overhaul anyway.
> >
> > I submit the following proposal (AI 1.7, II 1, Title="Some actual
> > act-on-behalf legislation), and intend with 3 support to make it
> > distributable:
> > {{{{
> > Create a new power-1.7 rule with the following text:
> > {{{
> > Under certain circumstances (explained in this rule and/or other rules),
> > it is POSSIBLE for a person (the attornor) to perform an action on
> > behalf of another person (the attornee); doing so is known as attorning
> > that person (syn. "act on behalf of <the attornee>", "act on <the
> > attornee>'s behalf"). It is IMPOSSIBLE to attorn if:
> > - The action could be performed by the attornee by announcement, and
> > - At least one rule of power at least 1.7 explicitly permits the action,
> >   and no rule forbids it, and
> > - The attornor is first-class.
> > When an attornor attorns, the effect is the same as if the attornee had
> > performed that action by announcement.
> >
> > An attornor CAN attorning to perform a specific action by announcement
> > if the attornee is party to a contract that specifically allows the
> > attornor (or any of a set of players that includes the attornor) to
> > perform that action (or to perform any of a set of actions that includes
> > that action).
> > }}}
> > In rule 2169, replace "act on the party's behalf" with "attorn the
> > party".
> > }}}}
> How about?
> Proto-proposal:
> {{{{
> Create a new power-3 rule with the following text:
> {{{
>    Where permitted by rules of power at least 3, a person (the
> attornor) CAN by announcement attorn (syn. "act on behalf of", "act on
> <the attornee>'s behalf") another person (the attornee). The effect of
> attorning is equivalent to the attornor publishing a public message with
> the specified announcements to the same fora the attornor's message is
> sent to. A message's claim to contain a successful announcement of
> attorning for another person is self-ratifying.
>    It is POSSIBLE to attorn if the attornee is party to a Public
> contract explicitly permitting acting on behalf of the attornee.
>    It is POSSIBLE to attorn if the attornee is a partnership (and a
> person) and the partnership's text explicit permits it.
>    When permitted by rules of power at least 1.7, it is possible to
> attorn without N objections where N is at most 4.
> }}}
> [Currently, R2169 permits acting on behalf without 3 objections for
> judges in equity cases, which the last paragraph would perserve (and
> allow a little lower-power flexibility.]
> }}}}
> -woggle

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