Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I protoed the following July 17 2008, there were many comments 
> (including from you Quazie ;) ) but I never followed up with an 
> amended version.
> Proto-Proposal: the Return of cards.
> For now, lays out a framework for cards and changes prerogatives
> to cards, since prerogatives could work better, are pretty
> straightforward, and it has been mentioned that they're not always 
> boons so trading might be nice.
> Note: this is meant to be ruthlessly pragmatic about card transfers, 
> using more illegal than impossible limitations, thus hopefully 
> avoiding the constant stalling that used to happen.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Create the following Rule, Cards, power 2:
>       Cards are any class of assets defined by the Rules to be 
>       cards.  For the rules to define a class of assets to be a 
>       card, the Rules must define its Title, its Party, and either
>       its Exploit or its Position, but not both.  Card instances 
>       of the same class are fungible.  No two classes of card may 
>       have the same title.   Ownership of cards is restricted to 
>       players, contests, and the Deck.  
>       The Dealor is a high-priority office and the recordkeepor
>       for cards.   The Dealor CAN, by announcement:
>         * create cards in the possession of the deck;
>         * destroy cards;
>         * perform actions on behalf of the Deck;
>         * transfer cards between any two entities;
>       however the dealor SHALL only perform these actions as
>       explicitly permitted by the Rules.    
>       If a card class is defined as Unique, there is always exactly 
>       one such instance of the class in existence, and it can be 
>       neither created or destroyed.  If, despite this rule, the 
>       instance does not exist, or a CFJ determines that its 
>       possession or existence cannot be determined by reasonable 
>       effort, it is instantly created in the Deck with any other 
>       copy being destroyed.
>       If a card class is not unique, then any time there are
>       fewer or more instances of that class in existence than 
>       a quorum on democratic proposals, the Dealor SHALL create 
>       or destroy cards in the Deck to bring the number of 
>       instances to that quorum.  However, if the rules define 
>       more non-unique cards than there are active players
>       in the game, the Dealor SHALL chose a number of card
>       classes in excess of the number of active players and
>       destroy all instances of those cards.  
> Create the following Rule, Card Positions:
>       If a card has a Position, and the holder of the card is
>       a Player, the holder of that card is considered to be the 
>       holder of that position, and have the powers and duties 
>       described by the Rules for that position.  The powers and 
>       duties of such a position may not be delegated or deputized 
>       and are only performable/required of the holder of the card, 
>       rules to the contrary nonwithstanding.
>       All card classes with a position are Unique.
> Create the following Rule, Playing Cards, power 2:
>       A player CAN play a card in eir possesion with an Exploit, 
>       by announcing that e plays the card, while also announcing 
>       any further information required by the exploit.  The card is 
>       transferred to the deck, and if possible, the effects
>       of the exploit take place.
>       If the information is incorrect, or the exploit is ILLEGAL, 
>       IMPOSSIBLE, or otherwise fails, or the card has no exploit, 
>       an attempt made by the player to play a card in eir possession
>       still transfers the card to the deck.

And there is no effect.

> Create the following Rule, Parties, power 2:
>       The Party of a card class may be one of Government, Opposition, 
>       or Backbencher.  Any player holding a Government card is a 
>       member of Government (in the Governmnent party).  Any player 
>       holding an Opposition card is a member of the Opposition (in 
>       the opposition party).  These are not mutually exclusive.  A 
>       play of a backbencher card with a target player in the same 
>       party as emself, unless the exploit on the card explicitly 
>       allows this.

Wait, what?

> Create the following Rule, Dealing Cards, power 2:
>       Whenever the rules indicate that the Dealor SHALL deal a 
>       card to an entity, the Dealor CAN and SHALL, as soon as 
>       possible, transfer a card in the Deck to the entity.  The 
>       Dealor SHALL chose the card to be dealt randomly from among 
>       the cards in the deck that are indicated to by the 
>       authorizing Rule be part of or included in the particular 
>       deal.
>       As soon as possible after the rules state that a player
>       Gains a Draw,  the Dealor SHALL deal one backbencher card to 
>       each active player.
>       At the beginning of each month, each active player gains
>       a draw.

So each active player gets dealt one backbencher card per active player
each month?

> Amend Rule 402 to read:
>       The Speaker is the active player who has most recently been
>       awarded the Patent Title Champion, with ties broken in favor 
>       of the player who has been registered the longest.

This doesn't particularly help; the Herald can award Champion in any
order e feels like.

> Create the following Rule, entitled Forming a Government:
>       Once per quarter, or upon gaining the office, the Speaker
>       CAN announce a New Government by naming a list of three or
>       more different active players who hold the Patent Title 
>       Champion, and listing a defined Government Position card
>       for each Player.  Such an announcement is self-ratifying,
>       and has the effect of transferring the indicated cards to 
>       the indicated players
Wait, what? Self-ratifying with an effect? How does that work? I don't
think it needs to be self-ratifying.

>       As soon as possible after a New Government is so formed,
>       the Dealor SHALL randomly, in a single announcement:

>         (3) Otherwise, e will still assign cards as in (2), but
>             will prioritize assigning opposition cards before
>             government cards (one to a Champion), and leave 
>             remaining cards in the Deck.
What about backbencher positions? There might be some in the future.

> Amend Rule 1922 by deleting:
>       (e)  Minister Without Portfolio, to be awarded by the Dealor to
>            any player who wins the game and does not already bear the
>            title.  If the number of players bearing this title is
>            greater than the number of Prerogatives defined by the
>            rules, then this title is administratively revoked from the
>            Speaker.
> and relettering paragraphs to be in sequence.

The Dealor doesn't award MWoP

>       Title: Pundit.
>       Position:  The Pundit can make a democratic proposal with an AI 
>       less than two ordinary by announcement unless there is less than
>       48 hours left in the proposal's voting period.

The potential interaction between him and the secretary is scary.

>        * Title:     Discard Picking
>          Exploit:   Indicate a card that was played or discarded in the
>                     past 72 hours.  If that card is in the discard
>                     pile, transfer it to your hand.

What is a discard pile?

There might be more errors, but that's all I've seen so far.

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