2009/5/12 Geoffrey Spear <geoffsp...@gmail.com>:
> [...]
> I perform the Battle Action (destroying 2 Maneuvers in my possession)
> of creating a new War-rule with the following text: {{The
> contestmaster SHALL cause Nomic Wars III to transfer a Medal to Wooble
> unless e has already done so.}}
> I perform the Battle Action (destroying 1 Maneuver in my possession)
> of incrementing the War-rule I just created.
> I act on behalf of ais523 to perform the Battle Action (destroying 1
> Maneuver in eir possession) of incrementing the War-rule I just
> created.
> I act on behalf of BobTHJ to cause Nomic Wars III to transfer a Medal to me.
> [...]
> --Wooble
Fails for several reasons: Firstly ais523 is not a party, and so has
no maneuvers and can't take battle actions. Secondly, BobTHJ has never
created the maneuvers so you don't even have any yourself.


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