On Mon, 4 May 2009, Benjamin Caplan wrote:
>> ===================  CFJ 2488 (Interest Index = 2)  ====================
>>     The prohibition on excessive Notices of Violation in rule 2230
>>     is ineffective due to rule 101
>> ========================================================================
> We had this argument back when excess CFJs were first introduced,
> regarding 101(ii), the right to CFJ. I believe the consensus on the DF
> was that it could take precedence in the right circumstances (ie, there
> were >N genuine controversies that couldn't wait until next week), but
> that the circumstances in which there was a genuine conflict would very
> seldom come up.

Actually, I don't see a "prohibition against excess" anyway.  I see a 
"with N Support or by announcement" which creates a CAN mechanism that 
varies depending on the previous number.   I'm not sure that the support 
mechanism convolutions link up to a definition of "excessive".  I mean,
I think excessive is ">five per week" regardless of how much support
you've got :).  -Goethe

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