Thinking about it, I agree.

2009/4/9 comex <>:
> 2009/4/8 Kerim Aydin <>:
>> It occurs to me for the first time in this case that there's actually
>> only *one* method, "by announcement", and that two different rules happen
>> to agree on conditions where that mechanism can be used.  If the conditions
>> in the two rules are substantially different, you just have the case of
>> "by announcement CAN be used if (Rule A OR Rule B conditions) = TRUE",
>> and (A OR B) is obviously true if (A AND B) is true, so it's meaningless or
>> unnecessary to specify "which one of" (A OR B) are true when (A AND B) is
>> true.
>> Has anyone said that yet?
> (Offline, so someone may already have said this:)
> Gratuitous:
> I agree with you, and disagree with everyone else regarding ambiguity.
>  If Rule A says:
> A person CAN deregister by announcement.
> and Rule B says:
> A person CAN deregister by announcement; e CANNOT register for thirty
> days thereafter.
> then, by Rule 478, a person takes the action of deregistering by
> announcing that e deregisters.  No rule says that e need mention "by
> what rule" e is deregistering, just that e is doing so, and no rule
> gives such a mention any legal weight or states that a person can
> choose "by what rule" e is taking an action.  Therefore, either
> deregistering *always* fails in this scenario due to ambiguity (the
> rules don't state which mechanism is to be used), or the mechanisms in
> both rules are satisfied at the same time.  I prefer the latter, and
> this applies to all such actions-- under the current contest rules, if
> a contestmaster of two contests awards points to a member of both
> contests, this counts against eir total for both contests (because
> both mechanisms are being used simultaneously).  Hence, I believe that
> the rule change was not ambiguous, but the contest rules are broken.

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