2009/4/6 Elliott Hird <penguinoftheg...@googlemail.com>:
> 2009/4/6 Jonatan Kilhamn <jonatan.kilh...@gmail.com>:
>> I can't be bothered to read all that, I'm sorry, but it's not at all
>> what I meant. From what I can see Mornington Nomic is more of a nomic
>> meant to look like a game of MC than a game of MC fitted into a nomic.
>> The beauty of MC is making up the rules as you go, not avtually
>> checkin a GNDT for whether a particular Bridge is up or down. Instead,
>> you just declare that "I lower all the bridges in Southern District,
>> allowing me to backtrack to Central". The bridges are most probably
>> not mentioned for the rest of the game, but someone might say later
>> that "Ah, but you forget that the Southern bridges are down, so canals
>> are blocked. No Knightsbridge for you." So a big part of my MC idea is
>> that things you say in your description stand, and it all turns into
>> making-up-rules-as-you-go, which is fun too.
> I'm sorry, what are you talking about? Wouldn't a game of MC follow
> one of the standard rulebooks, like Robertson 1979?
Please, I do enjoy the whole culture of "no, it really is a game, the
rules are just out of print..." in-game but when discussing meta-rules
like this I actually prefer being able to know what I'm talking about
without misunderstandings. So sorry, but I'll stick with the wikipedia
article's version of how it's played.


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