Alex Smith wrote:
> I informally request comex and coppro to explain the answers to eir own
> puzzles (or to resubmit them if they prefer);
I will resubmit a modified version.

> I also informally request
> coppro to explain eir reasoning on READ ME, because IMO it's more
> interesting to hear the reasoning from a contestant than from the
> author. (Note that there's nothing in the rules of Enigma saying that
> this has to be done, though.)

Alright. The first thing I noticed was that these were probably
encodings of some form. Morse code and Base 64 I immediately decoded. I
next tackled the large block, which I guessed (correctly) might be a
punchcard for an old mainframe. I couldn't find a decoder until after
the contest ended, discovering /usr/games/bcd, so I used an online
encoder to find the answer with trial and error.

I tackled the greek next, initially trying to transliterate the letters,
discovering in the process that it was phonetic, and using that instead.

The first set I decoded as ascii, and then I spent quite some time on
the next three. After some sleuthing, I noticed the fourth set was UTF-8
- now I realize the c3 should give it away.

I spent some time on the other two. I guessed EBCDIC and Baudot, since
those were the only two reasonably-commong 8- and 5-bit encodings I'd
expect to see, but neither seemed to fit. It was comex who gave me the
clue I needed - that the second entry was in fact EBCDIC with every
second byte swapped (this was why I gave you all the answer, as I'll
explain). After a lot of research, I discovered the third one was in
fact Baudot (the INTERCAL variety, I believe) with the bytes swapped -
the tricky bit here is that you can't simply swap the cleartext, as
Baudot is a modal encoding.

I got the following:

Start with the number 105.

Multiply that number by 91.

then, subtract 8.

Raise the result so far to the power of 5.

then subtract 123456, then add 8.


Subtract 1 from each digit of that result.

submit this number riten backwards as you anser

which should be clear enough, but I discovered that the last two
instructions were ambiguous as to what happens with zeroes. I submitted
my four possible answers to ais523. I then rechecked and saw that I'd
forgotten to swap the 91 to a 19 in the second line, so I resubmitted my
answer, this time publicly.

Oops, and you're welcome.

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