On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, comex wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> Now, some facts, followed by actions.
>> 1.  Deputizing for an office and performing the duty does not take away
>> the obligation for the officer to do that duty.  Therefore, a person
>> can deputize multiple times to perform the same duty (recent precedents).
> Which precedents?  In CFJ 2406 I submitted a judgement which implies
> that multiple deputisation is not possible (in this case, the
> open-ended obligation for the Speaker to assign prerogatives was
> fulfilled when Goethe deputised the first time; although e is not
> Speaker, we pretend e is speaker for the purpose of that action so, at
> that moment, 'the Speaker' did indeed assign prerogatives) and it
> wasn't appealed.  What am I missing?

Now I'm missing something.  I don't see anything in CFJ 2406 that says
we assume a deputy "is" the officer for the purpose of fulfilling the
obligation.  I would have appealed something that says that, because, well,
it's not in the rules.


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