On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 09:23 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> I vote FOR Proposal 6165 and AGAINST proposal 6166 (not because of lack of
>> trust of comex-as-rulekeepor, but because I never thought ruleset 
>> ratification
>> was a good idea to begin with...ratify everything else but let the rules be
>> corrected when need be).  -Goethe
> Well, the problem is that a long-standing rules problem may break the
> rest of ratification. (For instance, if the rules don't say what we
> think they do, the ratification rules may be completely broken.) That
> way, we could end up with a really large massive gamestate recalculation
> unless the rules are ratified, preferably without dependencies on
> anything but the proposal rules.

I understand the tradeoff, I just prefer to ratify change events (e.g.
proposals) rather than the state for the ruleset in particular.  Unlike
those who like hard-resets every time there's uncertainty (B?  Or at
least my impression of B) I don't mind some (reasonably-limited)
reconstruction work, those are at least interesting debates as far as
process goes.

I think a good compromise is ~annually, at a time when there's less
controversy; the last one was Sept 08 and (as you say) right now we're 
in a relatively confused period.  So, not now.


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