On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Geoffrey Spear <geoffsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I initiate an equity case regarding the PerlNomic Partnership, the
> parties to which are Dvorak, RainerWasserfuhr, Wooble, ais523, comex,
> ihope.  The state of affairs not envisioned by the contract was
> comex's willful use of the Partnership to distribute a proposal in eir
> own self interest which included a false statement of the proposal
> pool being empty.

Arguments: According to ais523, Wooble assumes that e is the only one
adding proposals to PerlNomic, and if a PerlNomic player records a
proposal, there is a good chance of its being distributed twice.  The
PerlNomic metarules ( http://nomic.info/perlnomic/metarules.txt )
explicitly mention taking advantage of bugs and loopholes.  While my
distribution wasn't strictly a PN bug, I'd say that it's at least
somewhat envisioned by the metarules; nobody, however, envisioned that
one player would unilaterally take over the PNP's duties, rather than
their being performed collectively.  In light of this, I think a
reasonably equitable resolution would have the PNP resign as Promotor
and nominate Wooble, who deserves the salary and can ensure that no
false statements about the proposal pool are made.

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