On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 09:51 -0500, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:49 AM, Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > A player CAN, with 2 support, change an ordinary decision to be democratic
> > provided the voting of the people has not already commenced
> The voting of the people commences when the decision is created.

That hasn't stopped Goethe /trying/ to democratise a decision before it
was created; IMO, that fails, but IIRC, it never makes a difference.

The whole democratisation-of-5707 brouhaha was pretty interesting and
instructive, though. Referring to a decision by the number of the
proposal it's about is usual; referring to a decision by the number of
the proposal it's about fails utterly if the number hasn't been
allocated yet, though.

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