> chamber: O = Ordinary; D = Democratic
> interest: 0-3 = interest index
> Proposal ID numbers:
>      highest orderly: 6115
>      disorderly: none
> Proposal pool: empty
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 6109 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by comex
> Right to vote
> Amend Rule 101 by appending the following to the list of rights:
>     viii. Every player has the right to some formal influence over
>           the result of the decision-making process regarding
>           whether to adopt a proposal (e.g. having at least one
>           vote).
> [It is, of course, still possible for one person's such influence to
> be drastically less than another's.]
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 6110 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by Murphy
> Abstention!
> Amend Rule 2196 (Standard Classes of Agoran Decisions) by replacing
> "PRESENT." with "PRESENT (syn. ABSTAIN)".
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 6111 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by Yally
> Correction of Typos
> Create a new rule entitle "Correction of Proposal Response Typos" with
> power = 1 and the text:
> If in response to a proposal distribution an eligible voter submits a
> non-legal response that clearly and obviously resembles an acceptable
> response (AGANST, FR, etc.), the Assessor SHALL count eir vote as that
> response for which it most clearly resembles.
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 6112 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by Taral
> Shorten the criminal horizon
> Amend Rule 1504 by replacing "200 days" with "90 days".
> If Proposal 6104 passed, amend the rule it created by replacing "200
> days" with "90 days".
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 6113 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by Goethe
> Intended Proposals Only
> Amend R106 (Adopting Proposals) by replacing the first paragraph
> with:
>     A proposal is a fixed body of text which has been made
>     into a proposal using a process specifically described
>     in the Rules.  A proposal SHOULD outline changes to be
>     made to Agora, including enacting, repealing, or amending
>     rules, or making other explicit changes to the gamestate.
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 6114 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by Murphy, Pavitra
> Clean up the deregistration mess v1.1
> Pavitra is a co-author of this proposal.
> Amend paragraph 3 of rule 869 (How to Join and Leave Agora) to read:
>    A first-class person CAN (unless the rules explicitly state that
>    e CANNOT) register by announcing that e registers, wishes to
>    register, requests registration, or requests permission to
>    register.
> Amend paragraph 5 of rule 869 to read:
>    A player CAN deregister by announcement.  A person CANNOT
>    register within thirty days after deregistering by any means
>    that e initiated with the clear intent of being deregistered.
> Remove the last paragraph of rule 1789 (Cantus Cygneus).
> }{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{
> Proposal 6115 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by Murphy
> Get on with it!
> Amend Rule 2168 (Extending the Voting Period) by replacing this text:
>     Upon such an occurrence, the vote collector for the decision
>     SHOULD issue a humiliating public reminder to the slackers who
>     have not yet cast any votes on it despite being eligible.
> with this text:
>     Upon such an occurrence, the vote collector for the decision
>     SHOULD issue a humiliating public reminder to the slackers who
>     have not yet cast any votes on it despite being eligible, and
>     CAN end the voting decision by announcement if the result would
>     no longer be FAILED QUORUM.

6109 D 1 3.0 comex               Right to vote
6110 D 1 3.0 Murphy              Abstention!
6111 O 1 1.0 Yally               Correction of Typos
6112 D 1 2.0 Taral               Shorten the criminal horizon
6113 D 1 3.0 Goethe              Intended Proposals Only
6114 D 1 2.0 Murphy              Clean up the deregistration mess v1.1
6115 O 1 1.0 Murphy              Get on with it!

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