Goethe wrote:

> On Sat, 14 Feb 2009, Aaron Goldfein wrote:
>> Except that rule 754 concerns "terminology and grammar." I would consider
>> those to refer to the selection and definition of words, not a typo.
> There are several precedents in the case log (forgive me for not looking
> them up right now) that say more or less "if any reasonable person could
> be able to figure out what it means, and there isn't more than one 
> reasonable interpretation, then it works."  Not to say that this might
> not be made a little clearer in R754, but it probably belongs there 
> instead of fixing typos for the assessor and noone else.  -Goethe

AGAINT is a special case because it was originally used to subvert the
obvious-typo policy (I assume it was part of a scam to make it look like
a scam proposal had more opposition than it really did, thus encouraging
complacency among its real opponents).  Things like this are a gray
area, depending on the player's familiarity with that sort of Agoran
history (another case is "AOL!" being rejected as a sufficiently obvious
synonym for "me too!", despite its appearance in the Jargon File).

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