On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 15:40, Michael Norrish
> What's the case for him not being natural born?
Obama claims to be born in Hawaii. To verify this claim he has posted
a digital copy of a Certificate of Live Birth on his website, and a
high ranking Hawaii official has confirmed that his birth certificate
is on file. However, there are a number of issues which have been
raised and have led to about a dozen lawsuits including one filed by
Alan Keyes, a third party opponent in the presidential election. Some
issues raised are:

* Obama has not released any hard-copy Birth Certificate (or other
identification documents) for review by any election official
* The Certificate of Live Birth posted to his website may be a forgery
(it's border pattern does not match those issued by the state of
Hawaii at that point in time)
* A Certificate of Live Birth is not the same as a Birth Certificate,
in that they can be issued to any infant up to age 1, even if they
were not native born in Hawaii
* The Obama Campaign has blocked all efforts to obtain his Birth
Certificate from the State of Hawaii
* Relatives of Obama's Kenyan father, who reside in Kenya claim to
have been present at his birth in Kenya
* Even if he is a natural born citizen (born in Hawaii) he was adopted
by an Indonesian step-father and moved to Indonesia. As Indonesia does
not allow dual-cizitenship, he would have had to renounce his US
citizenship as part of this process. Documents found in Indonesia list
him as an Indonesian citizen.

I find it disturbing that the US media has largely shoved this under
the rug. While it is likely that Obama is indeed a US natural born
ciziten (required by the constitution to be US President) the burden
of proof should lie with him to substantiate this claim, and it should
have been done long before the presidential election took place.

The below link contains more detail information:

Note that it is written from a conservative viewpoint, so the
left-leaning among you will likely disagree with some of the
assumptions made. However, there is a long list of references at the
bottom which can be followed to get more direct sources of


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