I (do not) submit the following proposal, titled "Trademarks":

{Enact power-1 rule, titled "Trademarks":

{The Censor is a low-priority office. Trademark status is a phrase
switch, tracked by the Censor, with values free (default), live, and
dead. A phrase whose trademark status is live is a trademark. Owner is
a trademark switch, tracked by the Censor, with values of all persons,
defaulting to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Any person CAN trademark a
phrase whose trademark status is free by announcement, but SHALL NOT
do so unless it is not generally used to refer to an existing concept;
this causes the person to become the owner of the trademark. Upon a
judicial finding that a phrase was trademarked illegally, the phrase's
trademark status becomes dead.

A person SHALL NOT use a trademark in reference to an entity in a
public message without its owner's permission, explicit or implicit,
unless e reasonably believes the phrase was trademarked illegally, or
the public message contains a disclaimer stating that the trademark's
owner's permission may not have been obtained. Implicit permission to
use a trademark in reference to an entity exists wherever a reasonable
person would conclude that the trademark's owner would probably give
permission if asked. Also, failure to make a reasonable effort to
prevent a trademark from being used in a certain manner constitutes
implicit permission that cannot be withdrawn.}}


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