Pavitra wrote:

>> 5994 D 1 3.0 Murphy              Loose ID numbers
> SELL(1VP - AGAINST). Why is this useful? To assign CFJ numbers in the 
> 10,000s to junk cases?

De facto assignment of ID numbers generally follows the order in which
they were initiated (except for criminal cases; I file intent and
support in separate sub-folders until the actual initiation occurs,
then enter them into the database as a group).  De jure assignment of
ID numbers follows the order in which I announce the de facto
assignments in some fashion.  Thus, technically, many of them are
invalid; they're still reasonably unambiguous referents, but the point
of formalizing them in the first place is badly muddled.

For proposals and CFJs, strict ordering doesn't really affect anything,
it's just a convenience.  For rule numbers, it affects precedence, so
the requirement of strict ordering is retained.  (Actually, it should
probably be strengthened; if the Rulekeepor wishes, e can assign ID
numbers out of chronological order, up to the limit of being replaced
and/or deputised for).

>> 5995 D 1 3.0 Murphy              Fix multi-method dependent actions
> SELL(1VP - AGAINST). This is one minor bugfix buried in lots of 
> unnecessary and likely broken refactoring.

How is it unnecessary?

>> 6002 O 1 1.7 Murphy              Refactor judicial timing
> endorse Murphy; I suspect IRRELEVANT may be broken, see a-d.

I disagree, and in any case I believe it can afford to wait until a
test case arises in practice (i.e. the relevance of a case changes
between initiation and judgement).

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