comex wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Amend Rule 2186 (Victory) by replacing this text:
>>      Winning Conditions and Losing Conditions exist only as defined
>>      by rules.
>> with this text:
>>      A Winning (Losing) Condition is a condition defined as such by
>>      the rules.
> Confusing.

"Winning Conditions and Losing Conditions are conditions defined as
such by the rules."

>> and by replacing this text:
>>      This is the only way to win the game
>> with this text:
>>      The game CANNOT otherwise be won
> Why?

I was searching for every instance of " is " in the rules.  I agree
this one isn't all that big a deal.

>> Amend Rule 2177 (The Senate) by replacing this text:
>>      The collection of Senators is the Senate.
>> with this text:
>>      The Senate is the set of all Senators.
> Ugly.

Hmm.  How about adding to R754(2) that "X is known as Y" is generally
interpreted as defining Y?

That definition could probably just be removed; it's not used anywhere
else in the rules.  (The same rule later says "Senate supporters" and
"Senate objections", both of which should technically say "Senator"

>> Amend Rule 2150 (Personhood) by replacing this text:
>>      A person is an entity that has the general capacity to be the
>>      subject of rights and obligations under the rules.  An entity is
>>      a person if and only if it is defined to be so by rules with
>>      power 2 or greater.
>> with this text:
>>      A person is an entity defined as such by the rules.  Defining an
>>      entity as a person is secured, with a power threshold of 2.  A
>>      person CAN generally be the subject of rights and obligations
>>      under the rules.
> Why not 'defined as such by rules with power >= 2'?

I considered generally defining "rule-secured", but that should really
be a separate proposal.

>> Amend Rule 2166 (Assets) by replacing this text:
>>      A class of assets is public if its backing document is a rule or
>>      a public contract; otherwise it is private.
>> with this text:
>>      A public class of assets is a class of assets whose backing
>>      document is a rule or a public contract.  All others are private.
> Ugly.

Another alternative is "A class of assets is either public (if ...) or
private (otherwise)."

>> Amend Rule 2145 (Partnerships) by replacing this text:
>>      A binding agreement governed by the rules which devolves its
>>      legal obligations onto a subset of its parties, numbering at
>>      least two, collectively, is a partnership.
>> with this text:
>>      A partnership is a contract that devolves its legal obligations
>>      onto at least two of its parties.
> Why drop "collectively"?

It's like "reckless" in older versions of Truthfulness; either explain
what it means, or get rid of it so that people can clear-headedly fill
the gap with something more sensible.  (In this case, the explanation
needed is whether a Corleone-style "some obligations are devolved to
party A, others are devolved to party B" approach is valid.)

>> Amend Rule 402 (Identity of the Speaker) by replacing "The Speaker is"
>> with "The office of Speaker is held by".
> Why?

Because "The Speaker is" is retained in R103, where it maintains
parallelism with all the other "The <name of office> is an <optional
modifier(s)> office" constructions.

> I whole-heartedly agree with the unquoted changes (about half of the
> proposal), but I think some of these changes reduce, not increase,
> clarity.

I'll probably split up the final proposal somewhat.

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