On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 8:50 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amend Rule 2186 (Victory) by replacing this text:
>      Winning Conditions and Losing Conditions exist only as defined
>      by rules.
> with this text:
>      A Winning (Losing) Condition is a condition defined as such by
>      the rules.


> and by replacing this text:
>      This is the only way to win the game
> with this text:
>      The game CANNOT otherwise be won


> Amend Rule 2177 (The Senate) by replacing this text:
>      The collection of Senators is the Senate.
> with this text:
>      The Senate is the set of all Senators.


> Amend Rule 1681 (The Logical Rulesets) by replacing this text:
>      There is a format of the ruleset known as the Short Logical
>      Ruleset (SLR).
> with this text:
>      The Short Logical Ruleset (SLR) is a format of the ruleset.

Ditto, same for the FLR.

> Amend Rule 2150 (Personhood) by replacing this text:
>      A person is an entity that has the general capacity to be the
>      subject of rights and obligations under the rules.  An entity is
>      a person if and only if it is defined to be so by rules with
>      power 2 or greater.
> with this text:
>      A person is an entity defined as such by the rules.  Defining an
>      entity as a person is secured, with a power threshold of 2.  A
>      person CAN generally be the subject of rights and obligations
>      under the rules.

Why not 'defined as such by rules with power >= 2'?

> Amend Rule 2166 (Assets) by replacing this text:
>      A class of assets is public if its backing document is a rule or
>      a public contract; otherwise it is private.
> with this text:
>      A public class of assets is a class of assets whose backing
>      document is a rule or a public contract.  All others are private.


> Amend Rule 1750 (Read the Ruleset Week) by replacing this text:
>      The first Agoran week each year which falls entirely in February
>      is Read the Ruleset Week.
> with this text:
>      Read the Ruleset Week is the first Agoran week each year that
>      falls entirely in February.


> Amend Rule 2164 (Judicial Self-Recusal and Case Transfer) by replacing
> this text:
>                             If e has been assigned to the case for at
>      least four days, such a recusal is with cause.
> with this text:
>                             Such a recusal is with cause if and only
>      if e has been assigned to the case for at least four days.


> Amend Rule 591 (Inquiry Cases) by replacing this text:
>      There is a subclass of judicial case known as an inquiry case.
> with this text:
>      Inquiry cases are a subclass of judicial cases.

Ditto, same for the other subclasses.

> Amend Rule 2145 (Partnerships) by replacing this text:
>      A binding agreement governed by the rules which devolves its
>      legal obligations onto a subset of its parties, numbering at
>      least two, collectively, is a partnership.
> with this text:
>      A partnership is a contract that devolves its legal obligations
>      onto at least two of its parties.

Why drop "collectively"?

> Amend Rule 402 (Identity of the Speaker) by replacing "The Speaker is"
> with "The office of Speaker is held by".


I whole-heartedly agree with the unquoted changes (about half of the
proposal), but I think some of these changes reduce, not increase,

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