Goethe wrote:

> Wasn't it Peter Suber who said (paraphrasing) "anyone who agrees to 
> a Rules change mechanism that's anything other than unanimous deserves
> what they get"?  -G.


"After Nomic was first published in Scientific American, a German
 philosopher wrote to me insisting that Rule 101 (that players should
 obey the rules) should be omitted from the Initial Set and made part of
 a truly immutable shell. He missed an essential point of the game. Rule
 101 is included precisely so that it can be amended; if players amend
 or repeal it, they deserve what they get."

and, later,

"My rationale for requiring unanimous votes for amendment, initially, is
 to create a kind of social contract in which no player can be overruled
 until she consents to take the risk by switching to majority rule or
 some other system."

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