Proto-Proposal:  Contract revision
(AI = 2, please)

Amend Rule 2197 (Defining Contract Changes) to read:

      The following are contract changes:

        (a) A person becoming a party to a contract.
        (b) A person ceasing to be a party to a contract.
        (c) Amending a contract.
        (d) Terminating a contract.

Amend Rule 2198 (Making Contract Changes) to read:

      A person CANNOT become a party to a contract unless e intends to
      be bound by it, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

      If a contract change is ambiguous, or its permissibility cannot
      be determined with certainty when it is attempted, then it has
      no effect.

      Contract changes are secured.

      Contract changes CAN occur as follows, subject to the above

        (a) Via a mechanism specified by the contract.

        (b) By any party without objection, if it is a pledge.  Any
            party to the contract CAN object.

        (c) By agreement between all parties, if it is not a pledge.

        (d) If the contract does not attempt to regulate becoming a
            party to it, then any person CAN do so by announcement.

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