On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Warrigal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Wow. Of those five rules, I think it picked the only two that are > essential: without Deputisation, people could hold a certain set of > offices and thereby block everything, and without Power Controls > Mutability, the entire power system is defeated. Points, pledges, and > the Accountor are all things we could do without, not that I'd love to > see them go.
Presently I'm going to follow the rules of my proto-contest, albeit without awarding any points (maybe I'll give props): Bayes follows a set rule for determining which proposals to try repealing, which it only violates in case that rule would yield zero or more than three proposals, in which case it notes the fact. As you can see it always notes the initial random selection. Right now the secret rule is pretty obvious (or will be next week), but whenever it's guessed I'll change it and I intend to make it progressively more complicated. I suppose the other option is to have the Anarchist be a human, who arguably is allowed to include other things besides just repealing a rule (such as cleanup) in eir repeal proposal, and might make a passable proposal. Maybe. But I seriously doubt it, not unless the Anarchist hits upon some broken rule like 2213, 2214...