woggle wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 22:00, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Revisiting my B.N. thesis (11/29/07) on partnerships, I've identified
>> the following general models of partnership control.  Can anyone think
>> of any others?
>>  * Consentual (e.g. Pineapple, Human Point Two)
>>  * Capitalist (e.g. Primo, Reformed Bank)
>>  * Unilateral (e.g. AFO)
>>  * Democratic (e.g. PerlNomic, Normish)
> Where do you class pre-incorporation RBoA which was without 3
> objections, but you had to be a Banker?

Hybrid.  Hmm, this suggests a continuum:

Consentual = with full support (possibly implicit)
Democratic = with majority support
Unilateral = no support needed

Without-3-objections falls somewhere in the middle, tending toward
unilateral as the number of parties increases (in practice, the RBoA
has generally had well over 6 parties).  The requirement to be a Banker
was quasi-Capitalist, but not in the sense of directly determining
relative voting strength (e.g. caste, Primo, current RBoA).

The Automatic/External model should certainly be added (Bayes post-dated
my thesis).  These are outside the above spectrum, though the backup
system for manual overrides as needed will still be somewhere within it.

No comment on the Anemocratic model, for reasons that should be obvious.

Rotational autocratic would be a variation of Unilateral, I guess.

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