On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 1:00 AM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Revisiting my B.N. thesis (11/29/07) on partnerships, I've identified
> the following general models of partnership control.  Can anyone think
> of any others?

 Neat divisions! I'm not familiar with Agora's partnerships yet, and can't
recall seeing anything that would fall into the category I'm about to
propose anywhere else, but I think it's conceivable to add:

>  * Consentual (e.g. Pineapple, Human Point Two)
>  * Capitalist (e.g. Primo, Reformed Bank)
>  * Unilateral (e.g. AFO)
>  * Democratic (e.g. PerlNomic, Normish)

* Automatic/External

A partnership (if the rules here allow it) could potentially be initially
defined such that its post-creation doings (including self-amendment) would
fall entirely under the control of external events not easily influenced by
the partners themselves. Betting contracts/partnerships could be one nice
example, if all agency is only exercised when the partnership is


This is a partnership between X and Y. If the Dow hits 6000 before hitting
12000, X must transfer 1000 chits [[not sure what those are yet...]] to Y.
Else, Y must transfer 1000 chits to X.

(even more automatic, if partnerships can do that: the chits are surrendered
to the partnership upon its adoption, and then automatically distributed by
the partnership after external triggering)

Billy Pilgrim

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