On Oct 20, 2008, at 7:49 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:

    There once was a man from Agora
    who replied not to the public fora.
    His votes were submitted,
    but his say was omitted,
    though his ballots were cast in plethora.

Concise, yet tells a full story.  Good job.

      (b)  A Patent Title herein is ordained:
           We name it "Bard", and grant it those with wit.
           In order for the Title to be gained,
           A level of Support must call for it.

           Three players to a fourth may grant the name
           If three shall write as one with two Support.
           A current Bard may also grant the same
           Provided that a second Bard's a sport.

           So that we don't the name of Bard debase:
           With three Support, a Player can conspire
           To (from a Bard) this Title to erase;
           Or Bards in triplicate a Bard retire.

           But lest we ruin some poor minstrel's fun,
           E CANNOT be dis-bard for awful pun.

Where have I read this before....?

    I say I do, therefore I do.
    Don't quote to me your refuting rules,
    Though CFJs do not come back TRUE,
    I say I do, therefore I do.
    It works for me, it will work for you
    The judges and officers all are fools.
    I say I do, therefore I do,
   don't quote to me your refuting rules.

Excellent use of repetition.  Nicely done.

    How slow is triple unanimity!
        That lofty goal of undisputed truth
            That three must reach in no more time than one.
    And so the order handed down to me:
        Recuse the lot if they be so uncouth
            That none persuade the rest before the gun.
    But I was lost, the cases like a sea;
        Extended kindness, as if to a youth
            And gave them extra time to judge and run.
    Apologies, I register a plea:
                            No fun.

Bonus points for the obscure rhyme scheme. (Anything more is a small conflict of interest.)

    O Protean Game, amended oft
    (In fits by law, in starts by scam),
    Thy glories Bard-prais'd, loud or soft,
    In many keys -- how glad I am
    To say this day, of all the year,
    (Occasion'd thy nativity,)
    To Public Forum, all to hear:
    Happy Birthday! (Ribbon me.)

This poem flows smoothly.  I like it.
Benjamin Schultz KE3OM

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