On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree to the following pledge, called HAL:
> 1.  By pledge of Goethe, HAL is a biological organism that can communicate
>    in English.  Goethe may act on behalf of HAL by announcement.  Goethe
>    may terminate HAL by announcement.
> On behalf of HAL, I announce that HAL registers.
> I CFJ on the following:  HAL is a first-class player.
> Arguments:
> R2145 states that a partnership is a contract that devolves responsibilities.
> Judge root has clearly shown, in CFJ 2208, that as long as a contract text
> *says* it devolves responsibilities, it does for the purposes of R2145,
> even if there is overwhelming evidence that, as a point of fact, it doesn't.
> Here, there is a pledge that says it is a biological organism.  Therefore,
> even if there is *overwhelming evidence* that as a point of fact, it isn't,
> by the precedent of CFJ 2208, since the rules can't enforce this, it *is*,
> any suggestion otherwise is merely the Rules falling short in governing
> personhood and not due to HAL's intrinsic perceived deficiencies.
> Therefore, HAL is a first class person (R2150), and eir registration as a
> first class player was successful (R869).

The key point of CFJ 2208 was that the rules relieve the contract of
the responsibility for enforcement and assume that responsibility
themselves.  I can't see how this situation is in any way analogous.


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