BobTHJ wrote:

> 1. (Score=5, Owner=null) Any player CAN join this contract by announcement.

"Score" is used by the rules.  Granted, for a different set of entities,
but I still recommend changing this to "rating" or something else.

> 9. (Score=5, Owner=null) Among equally scored sections, sections with
> lower ID numbers take precedence over sections with higher ID numbers

"ID number" is also used by the rules, but for multiple types of
entities.  Bear in mind that Rule 2161 does not apply, as it starts
with "If a rule defines a type of entity as having ID numbers".

> 15. (Score=5, Owner=null) A party's Cumulative Score is equal to the
> sum of the scores of all sections whose Owner in eir name.

s/in eir name/is that party/

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