On Wed, 2008-10-15 at 08:26 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I submit the following proposal, Toughen Ratifiation, AI-3:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [Ratification has been the source of scams lately.  Too much traffic
> to check all reports well.  Thus, some safety.  Require a supporter
> as a way of saying "yes I also think ratification is needed and I've
> looked at the report too".  Also, note that ratification used to be
> much rarer without breaking the game]
> Amend R2202 to be titled "Official Ratification"
> Amend R2202 by replacing "without objection" with "without objection
> and with support".
> Append the following sentence to R2202:
>      A player SHALL NOT ratify nor support the ratification
>      of a report e knows to be false.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
I think you should probably also make ratification self-ratifying; that
is, ratifications self-ratify as having worked. Otherwise, we could end
up in meta-ratification mixups...

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