ais523 wrote:

> Ah, this might be where it breaks down in Agora. The point is that as I
> haven't reached my CFJ limit yet, there's no way that the attempt to
> call a CFJ can fail, except for some other part of the transaction
> failing.

And in fact it does fail because of how it's disclaimered.

> So in B this leads to a contradiction either way.

Why would B resolve it differently?

> And Y can't
> be false, because in order for X to be performed, P must be true and
> therefore Y must be true.

And in fact it does work out that way.

Compare a scam attempted several years back, along the lines of

  Proposal:  Upon the adoption of this proposal, Rule 101 is not
  amended to read "<author> CAN amend any rule by announcement.".

which pointed out that "not applying a proposal's changes" is not
the same as "applying the opposite of a proposal's changes".

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