I (do not, yet) agree to the following, become a cartographer, and become Cartographer-General :
{ 1. This is a public contract and a pledge. The name of this contract is The Explorers' Club. 2. Any person can join or leave this contract by announcement. 3. Rank is a party switch with values Patron (default) and Cartographer. A party can flip eir rank by announcement. Rank CANNOT be changed by any other means. 4. This contract CANNOT impose any obligations on patrons, clauses to the contrary notwithstanding. 5. The Cartographer-General is the recordkeepor for all assets and switches defined by this contract. 5. Any cartographer other than the Cartographer-General can become the Cartographer-General by announcement, thereby causing any previous Cartographer-General to cease to be Cartographer-General. 6. Any party can amend this contract without 3 party objections. 7. Locations are a class of non-fungible liquid asset. If a location is ever not owned by a cartographer or the Lost and Found Department, it is immediately transferred to the Lost and Found Department. 8. Compasses are a currency. When a first-class party becomes a cartograhper for the first time, seven compasses are created in eir possession. 9. The Cartographer-General CAN create, destroy, and transfer locations and compasses only as required by an enforceable judgement on equation in an equity case regarding this contract. 10. Sovereignty is a location switch with values Sovereign (default) and Free. A cartographer can flip the sovereignty of any sovereign location e owns. 10. Adjacency is a switch possessed by sets of two distinct locations, with values Disjunct (default) and Adjacent. Adjacency cannot be flipped except as specified elsewhere in this contract. Two locations are adjacent to each other if and only if the set of those locations has its adjacency flipped to adjacent. 11. A cartographer can by announcement spend three compasses to create a location in eir possession, provided that both of the following conditions are fulfilled: a) e specifies a name that is not the name of any existing location; the location is created with that name. b) e specifies at least one location that either e owns or is free; the new and specified locations are adjacent. 12. A cartographer can by announcement spend three compasses to lay a road between two disjunct locations, provided that for each such location either e owns the location or the location is free. The two locations become adjacent. 13. The Club Headquarters is a free location in the possession of the Lost and Found Department. 14. Expedition is a cartographer switch with set of possible values equal to the set of all locations. The Club Headquarters is the default expedition. 15. A cartographer can by announcement spend a compass to flip eir expedition (travel) to any location that is adjacent to eir current expedition. When e does so, if e is not the owner of the new location, then the owner of that location gains two compasses. 16. Capitol is a switch possessed by each cartographer that owns at least one location, with set of possible values equal to the set of all locations that e owns. The default capitol of a cartographer is the location that e has owned longest. A cartographer can spend 5 compasses to flip eir capitol. 17. When a cartographer (the invader) successfully travels to the capitol of another cartographer (the defender), the following events occur: a) One-third of the defender's compasses, rounded down, are transferred to the invader. b) The defender's capitol is transferred to the invader. 18. If a first-class cartographer has owned no compasses and no locations for the past seven days continuously, then e can by announcement call for restitution of honor by announcement to gain three compasses. 19. When creating a location, a cartographer can destroy a land as defined by the Agoran Agricultural Association instead of paying the compass cost, provided e clearly specifies in the announcement of location creation that e is doing so. }