On Sat, 2008-09-20 at 16:27 -0500, Pavitra wrote:
> >>> Quite possibly that would violate R101.
> >> If it does then so does the 5 CFJ thing
> > That's why the wording of R101 clause is as it is; if you're told "you
> > can re-initiate on the same subject next week" then you still have
> > a reasonable expectation of resolution with minor delay (but still in
> > reasonable time).  I think there's a precedent on that somewhere?
> > On the other hand, if there's a type of CFJ subject that can be refused
> > indefinitely, that would violate R101.
> "to resolve matters of controversy". Refusal of a CFJ is within
> 101(iii) if it's not actually controversial.

At the moment, it's still possible to set up Gnarly Contracts to /make/
anything you like controversial. My fix proposal for that failed;
someone really needs to plug that hole before it's exploited yet again.

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