On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 01:00 -0700, Jeff Weston (Sir Toby) wrote:
> I've been thinking of ideas for a contest I could run (briefly
> considered bringing back the game of life, but thought I would try
> something new) and one of the ideas I've come up with is a very simple RPG.
> The basic idea is that contestants (Player Characters) get to explore a
> dungeon, fight monsters for gold and experience, find items such as
> weapons and armor, and ultimately score points by trading in gold.
> I've begun working on a contract for this idea. So far I've hammered out
> many of the basic concepts. I initially considered putting in a concept
> of a store where players can buy and sell items they no longer need, but
> I was having a hard time coming up with an interesting game mechanic for
> this, and it occurred to me that allowing for partnerships to join the
> contest as non-Player Characters to fill this role would be more
> interesting.
> I still have a lot more work to do, so I wanted to see if there was any
> interest in such a concept before I spend too much time on it. The
> current version of the proto-contract isn't formatted properly for
> sending via email, so I won't post that just yet, but if there is
> interest in this concept, I'd be happy to format the proto-contract to
> send it out either publicly or privately for discussion.

I'm reasonably interested. One thing in particular I'd like to mention
is that many otherwise-good new ideas stall immediately because of some
problem that caused them to get stuck (Werewolves is a good example at
the moment, lots of players stopped participating and it was somewhat
slow-moving to begin with, and thus nothing is getting done there); you
should bear that in mind and try to design around the departure of


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