Proto-Judgement of CFJs 2091-92: On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Ed Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > These are linked assignments. > > Detail: > > ========================= Criminal Case 2091 ========================= > > Quazie violated rule 101 by abridging, reducing, limiting, or > removing Blind, Deaf and Mute's rights. > > ========================================================================
>> { >> 1. The following is a public contract, known as Blind, Deaf, and Mute. >> >> 2. Members of this contract are known as partners. >> >> 3. This contract devolves all obligations onto its members. >> >> 4. No partner may act on this partnerships behalf. >> >> 5. If ever "Blind, Deaf, and Mute" incurrs an obligation, any player >> may act emself to fulfil this obligation, noting that they are doing >> so instead of "Blind, Deaf, and Mute" This is a spectacularly poor mechanism for devolving "Blind, Deaf, and Mute" (BDM)'s obligations, because most of the obligations that might be put on someone (such as a partnership) cannot be satisfied by another player acting emself to fufil them. Perhaps, if the BDM is required to send some chits to a player, that player might agree to accept chits from the BDM's parties instead, but e is under no obligation to do so, and Rule-defined obligations can never be substituted this way. Also, if neither Quazie nor tusho was a player, the persons required to fufil BDM's obligations would not even be allowed to make a token attempt to do so. However, whether or not a partnership's members CAN fufil its obligations is not relevant to whether or not those obligations devolve onto them. Instead, this is determined by whether the members SHALL fufil them. The obligations of BDM become obligations of its members, by clause 3, and that's enough to serve both the letter and spirit of Rule 2145: if BDM ever incurs any obligations whatsoever, its members can be punished for not fufiling them. BDM is, therefore, a partnership and a person. >> 8. When both Quazie and tusho join this partnership, it registers as >> "Blind, Deaf, and Mute" However, BDM is not a player. It is customary not to allow contracts to take actions automatically. Anyway, as far as I can tell, Quazie and tusho allegedly violated this clause of R101: Be it hereby proclaimed that no binding agreement or interpretation of Agoran law may abridge, reduce, limit, or remove a person's defined rights. Although the rule says "may", in context it clearly means CAN. An attempt to abridge, reduce, limit, or remove the rights of BDM would be ineffective, not a Rules violation. Anyway, BDM is not a player, so it has no Rule 101 (vi.) rights; I think that Rule 101 (vi.) would prevent it from becoming a player. So I proto-judge INNOCENT in CFJs 2091-92.