Proto-Proposal: Namespace conflicts (AI = 2, please) Amend Rule 1586 (Definition and Continuity of Entities) by replacing this text:
Two Rule-defined entities CANNOT have the same name or nickname. with this text: If multiple rules attempt to define an entity with the same name, then they refer to the same entity. A rule-defined entity's name CANNOT be changed to be the same as another rule-defined entity. Amend Rule 2161 (ID Numbers) by appending this text: (f) If an instance of that type has an ID number, then its name is the combination of its type and ID number. Otherwise, it has no name. Create a rule titled "1961 Vladivostok Telephone Directory" with this text: A player SHALL NOT select a confusing nickname, including but not limited to a name that has generally been used to refer to another entity within the past three months.