On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:14 PM, ais523 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suspect that Wooble caused the PNP to send these votes not because e
> thought they would work, but because it was the easiest way of
> uncluttering the PNP's idea of what was going on in Agora after its
> server crash.
> Say, this is another argument for allowing attempts to perform actions
> which will certainly fail; the PNP often votes late on Agoran Decisions
> due to the players of PerlNomic not deciding fast enough, and it's much
> easier for it to simply perform the failed actions than it would be for
> the PerlNomic server to figure out whether or not the actions would
> succeed. (It uses Zefram's website to determine which proposals are in
> their voting period, and Zefram does not update it instantaneously when
> the voting period ends.)

It can't just add a week from the distribution date?


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