On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 1:35 PM, Kerim Aydin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jun 2008, Alexander Smith wrote:
>> Goethe wrote:
>>> By the way, does OBLIGATED in all caps have any meaning other than
>>> the standard definition of the word (not in all-caps)?  I can't find it.
>>> (This isn't a prelude to trying to weasel out of anything, I'm just
>>> curious if I'm missing something somewhere).
>> I thought it was in MMI, but I checked and it wasn't. It should be there
>> as a synonym for SHALL under a different part of speech, I think.
>> --
>> ais523
> It's a reasonable synonym for SHALL, but it would be a reasonable
> synonym for SHALL if it wasn't in all-caps, too.  I was just curious if
> it meant something more in some contract-thingie I was missing.  -Goethe

Didn't OBLIGATED used to be part of MMI? If not than this was an error
on my part when I drafted the contract.


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