2008/6/17 Quazie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I CFJ on the following statement: If ehrid was able to act on my
> behalf at the time CFJ 1999 and CFJ 2000 were called one or more of
> the set of {CFJ 1999, CFJ 2000} would've been TRUE.
> The more interesting question behind these CFJs is what ehrid's
> statement really could have done.
> Whenever someone is part of  a partnership or something of that
> nature, it's customary for the player acting on behalf of the entity
> to say that the partnership performs the action, e.g. 'The perlnomic
> partnership votes as follows', or 'Human point two registers'.  In
> this case, ehrid stated that e performed the action of 'I deregister'
> on my behalf.  My interpretation is that e attempted to act on my
> behalf to deregister em, which would make this CFJ FALSE, though I'm
> not sure of the interpretation of the statement.


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