There once was a man from Agora who replied not to the public fora. His votes were submitted, but his say was omitted, though his ballots were cast in plethora.
Can I be a Bard now? avpx On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Ben Caplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > This came up a little while ago, thought I'd take a shot. > > > (b) A Patent Title herein is ordained: > We name it "Bard", and grant it those with wit. > In order for the Title to be gained, > A level of Support must call for it. > > Three players to a fourth may grant the name > If three shall write as one with two Support. > A current Bard may also grant the same > Provided that a second Bard's a sport. > > So that we don't the name of Bard debase: > With three Support, a Player can conspire > To (from a Bard) this Title to erase; > Or Bards in triplicate a Bard retire. > > But lest we ruin some poor minstrel's fun, > E CANNOT be dis-bard for awful pun. > > > [Comments: > Patent Titles are no longer defined as Unique or Non-Unique. > The ninth line of a Shakespearean sonnet begins with a trochee. > Clarified CANNOT/MAY NOT in the couplet. > Fixed the "'Player' is one syllable" bug. > "Conspire" and "retire" are valid (feminine line endings). > Smoothed out the flow of the line in a few places. > ] >