I have an idea for a contest, but I'm not a player (and would rather
maintain my non-playerhood as long as possible).

Rules 1742 and 2178 allow persons to make contracts, to be bound by
them, and to make them public, all prerequisites for contesthood.
Rule 2136 allows a contract to be turned into a contest with a
first-class player as "contestmaster" and authorizes the contestmaster
to award points to other members of the contest.
Rules 2179 and 2187 establish points as being limited to players, and
authorized a win by points.

It is not clear to me that any duties or rights of a contest master
depend on player hood.  Is this an artifact of Rule 2136 being older
than Rule 2150 (Personhood)?

Another thing I can't do, as a non-Registered first-class person, is
to make proposals, so I can't even formally propose that Rule 2136 be
modified to allow me to be a contestmaster.

Blaise Pascal

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