CFJ 1935 protojudgement:
First, comex is obviously GUILTY. Eir arguments do not appear to be
intended to be taken seriously, but just in case, I checked all of
comex's messages to public fora during the month of April 2008, and
none of them submitted a Sell Ticket. The equation in question was
in effect at least during the latter half of April 2008 (depending
on the exact date when it became a binding agreement), and so it
is clear both that comex failed to "submit Sell Tickets which, if
filled, would increase eir VP to at least 50 or by at least 15."
during at least one week in April 2008, and that April 2008 was
less than 200 days before the CFJ was filed. In the absense of any
other arguments against, I judge GUILTY. comex is a ninny.

Punishment, however, is a more interesting case.

First, DISCHARGE is clearly inappropriate; comex has shown a blatant
disregard for Agoran contract law in not even attempting to remedy
eir breach of the equation of CFJ 1915 (which itself came about due
to comex's breach of the Vote Market agreement). Likewise, I do not
believe that this is a rule breach of 'small consequence', making
APOLOGY and FINE inappropriate. (This is a pity; if APOLOGY were
appropriate, I would likely have given it as the judgement, for
reasons I will explain later.)

The two remaining punishments are interesting, due to the existence
of the equation of CFJ 1927. That equation has the effect of causing
comex to vote as requested by its other parties; the punishments of
CHOKEY and EXILE both reduce comex's voting power, thus making that
equation less effective! Therefore, both these judgements have the
affect of rewarding comex, in a way, by reducing eir obligation to
comply with the contract e has disregarded so often in the past.
However, they are the only two appropriate judgements. comex's
rules breach is serious, and also amounts to a breach of trust (the
whole point of the Vote Market was so that players could incur
binding obligations which would be paid back in some other way at a
later date. The highest-power rule allegedly broken is rule 1742
with a power of 1.5, so the maximum tariff is 90 days.

<sentence here>
I'm not sure whether to chokey or exile comex; both are appropriate.
Therefore, I submit this protojudgement to ask comex to explain why
I should choose one punishment over the other. comex: you're in
trouble here, if you don't want to get in any more trouble I
recommend you explain what happened and point out any mitigating
circumstances. If I'm not given a reasonable explanation, then I
may have to impose a harsh punishment, as the rule breach was a
serious one.


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