2008/5/14 Elliott Hird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> From my previous message:
> {
> Rule 2186/0 states "This is the only way to win the game, rules to the
> contrary notwithstanding." However, rule 2186/0, being less powerful
> than rule 101, cannot take precedence over it, nor modify a
> substantive aspect of it; the ability to take non-regulated actions by
> announcement is clearly a substantive aspect of rule 101 (because part
> (ii) talks specifically about non-regulated actions, and therefore the
> ability or otherwise to take non-regulated actions is clearly an
> aspect that affects the operation of rule 101; to expand on this, rule
> 101 allows a certain set of actions to be performed, and rule 2186/0
> attempts to modify this set, but fails because it has a lower
> precedence), so given that winning the game by announcement is not
> regulated, rule 2186/0 cannot override it.
> }
> Rule 2186/0 cannot regulate actions because it is too low-powered. Rule
> 101 allows me to perform unregulated actions.
> ehird

Oops, I meant that rule 2125/1 is what causes things to be regulated, and
2186/0 cannot modify a substantive aspect of it because it is more powerful.


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