Buddha Buck wrote:
> My intent with "any" was "at least one", not "all".  I will try to
> remember in the future that "any" is considered problematic, and
> instead use terms like "there exists a statement in the following set
> such that.....".  Can you provide me with pointers to how "any" can
> reasonably be interpreted as "all" rather than as "at least one"?
Actually, I interpreted it as 'all'. The interpretation goes something like 
this: if it's true that any of the statements would do X, then that means that 
a statement from that set does X regardless of which statement is chosen (i.e. 
if 'any' statement is chosen), and so by implication all the statements must do 
X. It's a subtle point; I'd interpret "Do any of these statements do X" as 
being 'any'='at least one', and "Is it true that any of these statements would 
do X" as being 'any...would'='all', despite the two statements being more or 
less identical.


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