Ivan Hope wrote: >> Bankers shall take turns publishing the text of and parties to this >> contract and ownership of pens. > > We really ought to figure out whose turn it is this week before the > week is over.
Proto-report, anyone should feel free to publish this (I'll be offline intermittently for the rest of the weekend). Someone should also suggest a pre-defined turn order, so we don't repeat this discussion every Friday. Bank of Agora Report Date of this report: ... Date of last report: Fri 25 Apr 08 (All times are UTC) Banker Since Pens -------------------------------------------- AFO Thu 17 Apr 14:53:23 716 BobTHJ Fri 11 Apr 22:19:19 901 comex Thu 17 Apr 14:53:23 116 Ivan Hope Fri 11 Apr 22:00:26 563 Murphy Mon 14 Apr 19:28:23 43 Wooble Thu 17 Apr 13:02:48 6 Total 2345 Recent deposits/withdrawals --------------------------- Fri 11 Apr 23:53:31 Ivan Hope DEP 3 0 crops 1 1 crop 2 4 crops 2 9 crops (unsuccessful, reason unknown) Mon 14 Apr 20:31:48 Ivan Hope DEP 3 0 crops @ 56 +168 pens 1 1 crop @ 75.9 + 75 pens 2 4 crops @ 36.3 + 72 pens 2 9 crops @ 62.1 +124 pens Wed 16 Apr 20:03:16 Ivan Hope DEP 1 0 crop @ 56 + 56 pens 1 9 crop @ 68.31 + 68 pens Thu 17 Apr 00:18:57 Murphy DEP 1 2 crop @ 93.2 + 93 pens 1 7 crop @ 68 + 68 pens W/D 1 1 crop @ 117.1 -118 pens Thu 17 Apr 01:27:52 comex DEP 2 ? crops AFO DEP 2 ? crops (unsuccessful, seed not specified) Thu 17 Apr 13:02:48 Wooble DEP 1 9 crop @ 114.1 +114 pens Thu 17 Apr 14:53:23 comex DEP 2 0 crops @ 58.25 +116 pens Thu 17 Apr 14:53:23 AFO DEP 2 0 crops @ 58.25 +116 pens Thu 24 Apr 15:30:30 BobTHJ DEP 16 4 crops @ 48.48 +775 pens 20 VPoints @ 36.3 +726 pens ----- time of last report ----- { Fri 25 Apr 09:45:11 AFO DEP 10 crops W/D 10 crops } x 10 (unsuccessful, seed not specified) Fri 25 Apr 15:44:24 Wooble W/D 2 4 crops @ 53.6 -108 pens Current deposit/withdrawal rates -------------------------------- 57.6 / 63.8 0 crops 105.9 /117.1 1 crops 93.2 /103.1 2 crops 3 crops (none) 48.48/ 53.6 4 crops 70.05/ 77.44 5 crops 61.88/ 68.41 6 crops 68 / 75.17 7 crops 93.2 /103.1 8 crops 114.1 /126.2 9 crops 42 / 53 Water Rights Vouchers 36.3 / 45.1 Vote Points Rate changes ------------ Fri 11 Apr 22:00:26 Initial deposit/withdrawal rates: 0 crops: 56 / 69 1 crops: 69 / 85 2 crops: 90 /110 3 crops: (none) 4 crops: 33 / 41 5 crops: 128 /158 6 crops: (none) 7 crops: 128 /158 8 crops: 90 /110 9 crops: 69 / 85 WRVs : 42 / 53 VPs : 33 / 41 Sat 12 Apr 16:13:54 Ivan Hope changes rates: 1 crops: 75.9 / 93.5 (+10%/+10%) 4 crops: 36.3 / 45.1 (+10%/+10%) 5 crops: 140.8 /173.8 (+10%/+10%) 7 crops: 115.2 /142.2 (-10%/-10%) 9 crops: 62.1 / 76.5 (-10%/-10%) Sat 12 Apr 18:17:42 Ivan Hope adds rate: 6 crops: / 73 (no deposit rate) Mon 14 Apr 22:40:47 Ivan Hope changes rates: 5 crops: 126.8 /156.5 (-10%/-10% approx.) 9 crops: 68.31/ 84.15 (+10%/+10%) Thu 17 Apr 00:08:05 Ivan Hope changes rates: 0 crops: 58.25/ 64.39 (+ 4%/- 7% approx.) 1 crops: 105.9 /117.1 (+40%/+25% approx.) 2 crops: 93.2 /103.1 (+ 4%/- 6% approx.) 3 crops: (still none) 4 crops: 44.08/ 48.73 (+21%/+ 8% approx.) 5 crops: 70.05/ 77.44 (-45%/-51% approx.) 6 crops: 61.88/ 68.41 ( new/- 6% approx.) 7 crops: 68 / 75.17 (-41%/-47% approx.) 8 crops: 93.2 /103.1 (+ 4%/- 6% approx.) 9 crops: 114.1 /126.2 (+67%/+50% approx.) Thu 24 Apr 15:30:30 BobTHJ changes rates: 4 crops: 48.48/ 53.6 (+10%/+10% approx.) VPoints: 36.3 / 45.1 (+10%/+10%) ----- time of last report ----- Fri 25 Apr 09:45:11 Murphy changes rates: 0 crops: 64 / 58 (+10%/-10% approx.) AFO changes rates: 0 crops: 58.25/ 64.39 (unsuccessful, W/D rate would change by more than 10%) Fri 25 Apr 09:49:51 AFO changes rates: 0 crops: 57.6 / 63.8 (-10%/+10%) Contract changes ---------------- Fri 11 Apr 22:00:26 Ivan Hope agrees Fri 11 Apr 22:19:19 BobTHJ agrees; Bank becomes a public contract Fri 11 Apr 23:03:06 Ivan Hope fixes bug in deposit formula Fri 11 Apr 23:53:31 Ivan Hope makes Bankers collectively responsible; Bank becomes a partnership ----- time of last report ----- Current text of contract: {This is a public contract and a partnership. The name of this contract is "The Bank of Agora". Parties to this contract may be referred to as Bankers. A person can only become a party to this contract if e holds at least 10% of all existing pens. If a Banker holds less than 10% of all existing pens continuously for seven days, any person can by announcement cause him to cease to be a Banker. Pens are a currency. The Bank of Agora is the recordkeepor of pens. The Bank of Agora cannot hold pens for any length of time; if it would, the pens are destroyed instead. Any Banker can act on behalf of the Bank of Agora to publish the portion of its report listing pens and their owners. If a currency has a deposit rate, a person can exchange X instances of that currency for Y pens, where Y is X multiplied by the deposit rate for the currency, rounded down. The currency is transferred to the Bank of Agora and the pens are awarded to the person. If a currency has a withdrawal rate, a person can exchange X pens for Y instances of that currency, where Y is X divided by the withdrawal rate for the currency, rounded down, as long as the Bank of Agora has at least Y instances of that currency. The pens are destroyed and the currency is awarded to the person. The following currencies have the following deposit/withdrawal rates: <list of rates, see "Current deposit/withdrawal rates" section above> Once per week, each Banker may change each deposit and withdrawal rate by not more than 10% of its former value. The Bank of Agora may perform Contract Changes to itself by announcement. If a Banker announces eir intent to cause the Bank of Agora to perform some set of actions and receives the consent of all other Bankers, e may in a timely fashion from the time of eir announcement cause the Bank of Agora to perform that set of actions. Bankers shall act in good faith, keeping in mind that the Bank of Agora's holdings belong to those people who have pens, not the Bankers. Bankers shall take turns publishing the text of and parties to this contract and ownership of pens. The Bankers shall ensure that this contract fulfills all of its obligations, and can fulfill these obligations on behalf of the Bank of Agora by announcement}